Welcome to the WUFPBK Online Application Portal. All services on this portal are restricted to authenticated users only.
To use the Online Application System you will need a mobile telephone (GSM) number that is active and easily accessible to you, preferably your own.
Method of Application
Each prospective student must
- Start by Create An Account
- Login to Continue Application
- Click Application Tab or Remita logo to Generate Remita
- You can visit a reputable cyber café for this
- Take the printout to the nearest bank and pay Five Thousand, Three Hundred Naira Only ( ₦ 5,300.)
- Collect the printout of "Payment Advice" from the Bank;
- After payment log in login to Continue Your Application Form.
- Complete the Online Application form; upload a recent passport photograph;
- Print the completed Application Form; (this will be attached to the applicant's original credentials if he/she is invited for screening;
- Once the application form has been successfully completed the prospective student will receive a notification to that effect via SMS on his mobile phone.
WUFED Poly has not authorised any member of staff, agents or agencies to represent it in the admission application process. Prospective students are therefore advised to either complete the application form themselves or patronise reputable Cyber Cafes.
Encountering problems? Please SEND a report to: dcit@wufpbk.edu.ng
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- English
- Mathematics Any other three subjects from
- Economics/Commerce
- Government
- Business Method
- Principles of Accounts/Book Keeping
- History Plus a Science subject Plus An acceptable score in JAMB UTME.
ND with at least Lower Credit in the relevant field plus ONE year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND Pass.NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND)
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- English
- Mathematics
- Physics and any two subjects relevant to the programme from
- Biology/Agricultural Science
- Further Mathematics
- Technical Drawing
- Basic Electronic/Electricity
- Auto Mechanic
- Metal Work
- Economics/Commerce For Agricultural Engineering: Biology/Agricultural Science ,Food and Nutrition and at least a pass in Chemisty and Biology/Agricultural Science are necessary.
Plus an acceptable Score in JAMB UTME.
Requirement for HND is an ND at Lower Credit in the relevant field plus one year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND at Pass level.NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND)
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- Physics
- English And any two from the following:
- Biology
- Fine Art
- Chemistry
- History
- Geography
- Economics/Commerce
- Religious Knowledge
- Technical Drawing
- Business Method
Requirement for HND is an ND Architectural Technology at Lower Credit level plus one year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND at Pass level.NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND)
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- Physics
- English And any two from the following:
- Economics/Commerce
- Technical Drawing
- Chemistry
- Geography
- Further Mathematics
- Wood Work
- Biology
- Religious Knowledge
- Metal Work
Requirement for HND is an ND at Lower Credit in the relevant field plus one year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND at Pass level.NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND)
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- Geography
- English And two other subjects from
- Further Mathematics
- Economics/Commerce
- Fine Art/Technical Drawing,
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- History/Government
- Business Method/Book Keeping and Principles of Accounting
Requirement for HND is an ND at Lower Credit in the relevant field plus one year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND at Pass level.NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND)
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- English Language A Basic Science subject and any two from the following:
- Geography
- Economics/Commerce
- Further Mathematics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Technical Drawing
- Fine Art
- Wood Work
- Literature
- Metal Work
- Principle of Accounts and Book Keeping
- Government
Requirement for HND is an ND at Lower Credit in the relevant field plus one year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND at Pass level.NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND)
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- Physics
- English Language And any other two from the following:
- Further Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Technical Drawing
- Geography
- Economics/Commerce
- Biology
- Basic Electricity
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- English
- A basic Science And two other subjects from
- Further Mathematics
- Economics
- Geography
- Government/History
- Chemistry
- Biology/Agricultural Science
- Type-writing
Requirement for HND is an ND at Lower Credit in the relevant field plus one year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND at Pass level.NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND)
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- English And three other subjects from
- Physics
- Biology/Agricultural Science/Health Science
- Chemistry
- Wood Work
- Drawing Metal
- Geography
- Basic Electricity
- Further Mathematics
- Fine Art At least a pass in each of the three basic science: Biology, Chemistry and Physics must be a basic Science, plus an acceptable Score in JAMB UTME.
Requirement for HND is an ND at Lower Credit in the relevant field plus one year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND at Pass level.NATIONAL DIPLOMA (ND)
Five (5) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- English And three other subjects from
- Economics
- Geography
- Government
- Further Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- Type-writing At least one of the subject must be a basic Science, plus an acceptable Score in JAMB UTME.
Requirement for HND is an ND at Lower Credit in the relevant field plus one year post-qualification experience or two years for an ND at Pass level.NCE TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Four (4) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- English And two other subjects from
- Physics
- Further Mathematics
- Technical Drawing
- Applied Electricity
- Basic Electronics
- Auto Mechanics
- Wood Work
- Metal Work
- Building Construction
Four (4) Credits in SSCE/GCE ‘O’ Level in- Mathematics
- English And two other subjects from
- Economics
- Principles of Account/Book Keeping
- Business Methods/Intro to Business/Office Practice/Secretarial Duties
- Shorthand
- Type Writing
- Type-writing
GCE 'O'Level or SSCE with a minimum of pass grades ordinary passes or their equivalent in English Language and Mathematics and three subjects chosen from:
- English Language
- Mathematics And three subjects from
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Geography
- Technical Drawing
- Basic Electricity
- Metal Work
- Auto Mechanic
- Wood Work
- Economics
GCE 'O'Level or SSCE with a minimum of pass grades ordinary passes or their equivalent in English Language and Mathematics and three subjects chosen from:
- English
- Mathematics And at least three subjects from the following:
- Economics
- Accounts
- Business Method
- Short-hand
- Typewriting
- Commerce
GCE 'O'Level or SSCE with a minimum of pass grades ordinary passes or their equivalent in English Language and Mathematics and three subjects chosen from:
- English
- Mathematics And at least three subjects from the following:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology/Agricultural Science
- Technical Drawing
- Basic Electronics/Electricity
- Auto Mechanics
- Wood Work
- Economics/Commerce
If you are a new applicant, you need to first create an account to obtain a unique Transaction ID which you will use to Login in below.
Continue Application!!!
Enter Your Login Details Below.
WUFED Poly has not authorised any member of staff, agents or agencies to represent it in the admission application process. Prospective students are therefore advised to either complete the application form themselves or patronise reputable Cybre Cafes. Encountering problems? Please SEND a report to: registrar@wufpbk.edu.ng or dir.cit@wufpbk.edu.ng